Friday, August 21, 2009

860 calorie breakfasts and losing weight - TGIF!!

Well, I am one week back from Nantucket or Nansuckit as we nicknamed it. I have to do my papers this weekend to finish that bit of the INSDSG summer program, because MONDAY is a whole new day.

I think that change - real,true,lasting, change - doesn't happen until you are really sick of a situation or personal trait to the point that you just can't take it any longer. I am at that point with my body. Nantucket was the first time that I have been on a beach in over 5 years, perhaps longer...closer to 7 years I think.

In any case, I just had a hard time being on the beach (regardless of all of the other out-of-shape beach goers around me) and stayed in my t-shirt all but one day when Jennifer, Jolene and I went to Siaconset Beach. It was a hard thing for me to take my shirt off and actually go down to the beach into the water. Thank God the water hid my belly LOL.

I have never had a weight or fitness problem for most of my life. I am a former tanker, prison guard and police officer. My 20 year career in law enforcement and the military kept me in shape and my body type and metabolism allowed me to pretty much eat as I wanted. Since I am half-Japanese and I still maintain a lot of aspects of the Japanese diet; namely white rice everyday, now that I have a less active lifestyle, I have gained 20 pounds over the past 3-4 years.

I was working out with a personal trainer who really didn't listen to my desire to simply maintain my body the way it was and he started me on a regimen of heavy lifting, supplements and a high calorie diet typical of a weightlifter and the pounds and muscle piled on - a back injury then derailed my working out and I was left with more weight that I had ever known on my frame and a bad back that kept me from doing anything but simply taking it easy, not lifting more than 10 pounds and being very careful not to put any stress or strain on my back.

In retrospect, I should have really insisted that I just do the workout that I wanted to maintain my body the way I wanted - but that is all past and the reality is that I have to get this weight off. OFF!!

Now, my back issues are still present but I have been cleared to start working out and I hope to get back to my happy weight of 175-180 and most importantly, to lose my belly.

I signed up with and I am going to spend this weekend getting all of that info in order so that Monday I can get started on my workout and diet plan.

I will be doing a 2000 calorie low carb plan along with my workout and will track my progress via my blog. Yes, I will post my fat "before" photo at some point before Monday - the shame of it might really kick me into working hard ASAP. Did I mention that I HATE HATE HATE working out? Well, I HATE it.

So today, I will enjoy my breakfast of a venti Starbucks green tea latte (370 calories), a Starbucks egg salad whole wheat sandwich (490 calories) and get my head in the right state for Monday.


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